Tuesday, March 07, 2006


wow wow wow.

just read a post over at Johnboy's place, who sent me over to Amanda B's place, and moreso the SLEW of comments that ensued.

so much of what I feel was covered by several people in the comments.

but for the record.... I can not, in any ounce of my heart, take away someone's right to choose what to do when faced with a pregnancy.

I mean.... no one asked me my opinion of what should be done at the point of conception, (or just prior to) so who am I to tell someone what to do with the fetus growing inside?

I mean, seriously. as much as I have an ego, I'm not God.... nor do I pretend to be.

and I know this might be a tough topic for my parents to swallow, cause I *AM* Catholic, and as a Catholic, I believe I am to respect life.... ALL LIFE... because life is a gift from God.

but our Free Will is ALSO a gift from God, so who am I to tell someone else what they can and can not do? (grain of salt, here... I CAN and WILL tell Rhena she can not play with knives or play with toasters in the bathtub etc etc etc).

but my point is this. It's not my place to tell someone if they're right or wrong in regards to having an abortion. I believe that we shall ALL have our day of judgment, and maybe just maybe my support for the freedom to choose will be what sends me into the fires for eternity..... but I'm still going to eat meat, and kill bugs, and politically be pro-choice.

and why? because I can.

ps... anyways, anyways, anyways.


Porq said...

You tell 'em!!

BUT.... don't forget....



Porq said...

Speaking of BOZA...
Today is the feast of Martyrs St. Perpetua and St. Felicity. The priest wore red instead of LENTEN PURPLE. Nice break in routine and whilst at church, I did say an extra prayer for your friend's solution to their problem.

Love ya.


Marianna said...

I'm here...

And I couldn't agree with you more. I have a serious problem with some stuffed shirt in South Dakota telling me I can or can't have an abortion. It's not his place.

That's all.


Anonymous said...

"but my point is this. It's not my place to tell someone if they're right or wrong in regards to having an abortion. I believe that we shall ALL have our day of judgment, and maybe just maybe my support for the freedom to choose will be what sends me into the fires for eternity..... but I'm still going to eat meat, and kill bugs, and politically be pro-choice."

AMEN!!! I've never been in the situation of even being pregnant, so what right do I have to tell someone else what they should or should not do? I mean, maybe I'm not being a good "Christian" by how I feel on the subject, but God knows my heart just like He knows the hearts of everyone else in the world and everyone's situation is unique and God deals with them, not the rest of us, so for us to tell someone else what to do, that isn't fair. I mean, with those we love we can tell them how we feel, but we shouldn't judge them for what they do. The way I see it, for me myself I'm prolife, for others, I'm prochoice.

See, everyone should be Lizaterian because I'm just so smart. If I ran for president, would you vote for me? hehe.

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO!! I knew I liked you!! Bastards, what do they know about being pregnant? I'd like someone to give them nine months of indentured servitude with a lovely dose of the stomach flu thrown into the first three months for good measure, and then tell them there's NO WAY to break that contract. Maybe then they'd understand what a big undertaking pregnancy is. Not to mention that making women who don't want to be pregnant stay pregnant leads to a lot of unhealthy babies and I suspect, a bigger burden on the foster care system.

Susie said...

I agree.

Unfortunately I can't even talk about the South Dakota thing without my head spinning and smoking and pulling my own hair out in clumps. I'm not good speaking about stuff like that because I get too emotional and end up saying shit like "BECAUSE!"

But what you said. Yeah.

And this post also means A SQUARE FOR ME.

john boy said...

Here here! Glad to see you preachin' the word ;)