Tuesday, June 07, 2005

OUCH is a four-letter word

Today... I realized I am at about a level 2 out of 10 on the parenting backbone scale....

today, I cried like a big wussy baby.

Why? Cause Rhena was pooping.

and crying.

and screaming.

Let me back up.... As y'all know.... Rhena got her first tooth last week. ( ....show me how the big girl claps!!! yeah!!!..... )

sorry... got lost there for a minute...

well...after said-tooth came on the scene... said child stopped eating. said.

so pretty much since thursday --- she's been really off with naps and eating , and unfortunately... no pooping, either.

so let's see... thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, monday, today.... YOUCH!!!! Today's poop was not only a big one, but really hard for my babe to pass.

so today, when she woke up from her nap, she started screaming bloody murder.... when I went upstairs to get her, I realized she had pooped (kinda hard to miss the smell of donkey shit when you walk in a room...) but she was still screaming.

when I took the diaper off, she was STILL POOPING (and screaming, and crying...)

long story short... she pushed so hard to get this 5 pound brick out of her that she gave herself a hemorrhoid. SO now of course *I'm* crying, because of the pain she's in, and I'm thinking this is all my fault that she couldn't poop, and I passed on my bad stomach to her, and ooooh oooh oooh, my poor baby... please just stop crying.....


when faced with child enduring pain... I lost it. Lack-of-backbone-and-ability-to-rationally-hold-it-together-in-front-of-upset-baby party of one??? yes, my table is now ready!

again I say it... *SIGH*

I *did* give myself two points cause I was able to not gag on the shetland-pony-shit smell that was right in my face as I helped her cycle her legs.... but I lost 8 big ones cause I was crying harder than her when I saw the bubble on her hiney-hole. I fear the day she actually sheds blood. At my performance rate... I may just pass out.


Book Bums said...

Here's hoping your week gets WAY better...

Marianna said...

Lunch, anyone?

john boy said...

I don't know wheather to be touched or grossed out... Hang in there, kids are messy!

And, thanks for the kind words of support over at my place :)

Susie said...

God - you hope a gal at least gets to pregnancy before the old 'roids start showing up. Poor baby. Extra hugs and kisses. And maybe a sitz bath?

Sandy said...

Oh my goodness! I didn't know they could get hemorrhoids that young! My hubby just got his first one...at 33! And he's been whining and moaning about it non stop ever since. I can't imagine a little baby having to suffer that... your poor little dear! He DID say that the sitz baths worked and lots o'fiber. Strained Prunes, maybe? And some Witch Hazel applied.. anyhow here from Tee's, love your site!

Jewl said...

MY God! You kind of sound like me! LOL, hope YOU and your baby are better. Em only has 4 teeth and each one has been a nightmare. I HATE teething. One day at a time woman, that is all I can say....

Christi said...

As far as I'm concerned, you get more than a ten on that scale! I would not have handled it that well. I so feel for you...it would break my heart to have to hear that and know that, too. I want to cry when my son (2 1/2) just falls and scrapes his knee! I had no idea they could get hemorrhoids this early, either. That scares me for my upcoming baby...Now I have something else to pray she doens't suffer...Good luck to you!

Marianna said...

Is she feeling any better today? Poor baby girl...

Tee/Tracy said...

Awhhhh :( I'm the same way. Get the pediatrition to prescribe some meds (witch hazel pads are nice - ask if you can use those), and give her tummy a gentle massage. Not your fault - constipation happens. {hug}

Carrie said...

**********Booger Update ************

first off... thank you ALL for your well-wishes....

Rhena is doing better.... her little hiney-hole is still red and sore looking, but the roid cause gotten considerably smaller.

she also pooped again today, so it would seem we're getting back to normal in that department!

again.... thank you all for your thoughts.... we both send you all big slobbery kisses!

CheekyMoo said...

It's a good thing it's late, and I'm done eating for the day. LOL

I hope it gets better. At some point things will quit spewing out of every end, I promise!