Wednesday, September 06, 2006

counting down

yeah.. so I've been a lame blogger lately. my bad.


it's officially september, which means I've been in high gear getting ready for the next 3-4 months.

right now my dining room table has a mix of packages that I have yet to write thank you's for, the favors for rhena's upcoming birthday party... all the gear for me to make two very fabulous butterfly cakes (including some fondant and icing dyes) for said birthday party, favors for the christmas social, and about 6 other projects I'm also currently working on.

the belly continues to grow as the weeks begin to pass. I'm now down to nine weeks, which is a HELL of a lot better than 9 months left.

as for me personally.. I feel pretty good... just not very chatty. I think it's that nesting thing, cause I've been organizing and cleaning and THROWING things away. but in the same token.. for all that's been going on... I have nothing to say. well, other than I'm positive that this is a girl. I mean, I have no ultrasounds to prove it, but I just have that feeling it's going to be another girl.

I HAVE been enjoying Rhena... after all.. who couldn't? trust me.. it's not all roses, though. she may be one hell of a cute kid, but lately when she's pissed off... EVERYONE knows about it. her fits are somewhat akin to the lyrics from Johnny Cash's "boy named Sue" where he talks about kicking like a mule and biting like a crocodile....and those moments are definitely difficult. but like any stage.. I tell myself that this too shall pass.

here's the boogie herself in a non-about-to-turn-two-screaming-fit. like I said.. she sure as hell CAN be cute.

but really that's it. CCD is starting up again, and stepford is all abuzz with parties and baby showers and bunco and dinner invites. and me... well... I just have a lot more cleaning to do.


Anonymous said...

AH, the good old "terrible twos". Sometimes they're so damn precious you can't understand where that term came from, then, out of the blue, you KNOW.

I'm pretty sure my belly is going to catch up with yours before you even deliver! Looking good woman!

Marianna said...

Getting closer, chick! You & your sweet baby girl both look fantastic!


Kari said...

What a cute little Boogie!

You certainly don't look 9 weeks away, wow!

Have yall decided on a name for the little bun?

Good luck with all your busy projects, man, you never stop do you?

Have a great week! You look fantastic!

holy chaos said...

the last weeks of the count down went by so fast for me and with all that you are doing, i bet it will for you,too. how are you doing all of that??????
btw, i am having katie on sept 11(i know) but it is medically necessary.

your daughter is so cute!

take care, super mom!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me 'this too shall pass.' Hang in there momma!
And btw, you look fantastic!

Christi said...

It really does pass. TJ was AWFUL for so long, and one day not too long ago, my mom and I both noticed that he's been so good lately. He's suddenly really helpful, full of good manners, and rarely if ever has to be sent to time-out. If you're lucky, Rhena won't have a temper like he does (which he inherited from me), and you won't even have to worry about her getting frustrated and throwing things once she's out of that terrible two phase!

I honestly don't know if I'm going to make it these last two months! I am SOOOOO ready for this child to come out! So if I assume you're having a girl, and buy you girl gifts b/c I really want to buy little tiny girl stuff, will you hate me if it's a boy?

gina said...

you are teeny!!! really only 9 months to go? looking good mama!!

stepford went into full swing here too. sigh. doesnt it bore you ? it is making me crazy lately.

yes rhena is cute as can be and what kind of christmas favors??

Jewl said...

You belly is too cute! So is little Boogie! LOL I know the terrible two's all too well. I hate the terrible two whine though, could live without that one!
The only thing wrong with "This too shall pass" is there is always something waiting around the corner for when that one passes! LOL
You sound good chick... busy but good!

Anonymous said...

So cute little mama! And little boogie too!

I find the phrase "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" to be pretty accurate for this stage Liam and Rhena are in right now.

Anonymous said...

oh mygosh she's growing up so much!! She looks like a little girl and not a baby or even a toddler anymore. and look at that hair!! It's all fluffy!! LOL!! too cute :)

Me said...

Man, Grace is already hitting her terrible twos and she's only 18 mos!!! Yikes! But, you're right, she sure is damn cute!

Wow, you look great for just about 8 mos!

Buffy said...

Your belly photos make me jealous. But don't tell anyone. shhh.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry...did you say you only had 9 weeks left? How is it possible that you look nothing like a beached whale, you tiny thing?!?!? Best wishes on a happy, healthy delivery and baby!

(got here by way of Choppzs...)