Wednesday, February 09, 2005

It all makes sense now

So I think I've figured out why New Yorkers very rarely get fazed by anything.

it all starts with what people like to call sing-alongs.

perhaps I should back up a little.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy--- we're going to the city!!!! ok-- so yesterday, Rhena and I went into the city (well-- Brooklyn, actually) to meet up with one of Rhena's boyfriends and his mom. (She and I happen to be friends, too, but that's just an added bonus!) the plan was that all four of us would attend a local sing-along. .....sounded like fun.... we needed to get out anyways.

SO we took the train into Manhattan, and like any good suburban baby form Jersey, rhena was quite excited to be going into the BIG APPLE. you can see in her picture... she was ready! ole Blue Eyes was right---- we wanted to BE A PART OF IT!!!!

her happy twitterpation soon turned into the mother of all scream-fests, cause OF COURSE it was time for her nap, and she was just plain pissed that I had a coat on her. so once EVERYONE in car 1652 of the New Jersey Coastal Line knew how irked my little Princess Buttercup was, (and thus having a chance to concoct some story in their heads about what an abusive mother I am) well, anyways... once she made it good and clear that she was tired and needed a nap, she did just that.

So I lugged my dead-weight through Penn Station and made our way to the subways. Apparently, they're not doing tokens anymore... who knew? yeah... I went to the booth and requested 3 tokens (one for the way to brooklyn, one for the way back, and one for rhena's soon-to-be-imposed-to-do scrapbook--- HAH!) but... I got some paper swipe card with $6 of credit on it. ---- oh well. it'll still keep.

she woke up on the subway... and who wouldn't??? Imagine standing in a small classroom; every square inch covered with chalkboard surface. ....NOW imagine 1 million little elves with verrrrry long fingernails scratching every square inch of that chalkboard. Also.. since we're imagining.... throw in an earthquake for good measure. you are now on the subway.

So this is what got me thinking about the unfazing of new yorkers. If I had to listen to that every day... I'd either be deaf, or just get REALLY good at ignoring any noise.

SO we get to Brooklyn, which was great. My friend and her baby are just the coolest people on earth, even though I kinda hate her secretly cause she's so damn skinny. ....But we're walking. yeah... they're everywhere. busses, taxis, trucks... them too. just one more line item on the list of over-stimulation thus resulting in the non-chalance of the city folk.

Finally, we get to this coffee shop that's hosting this sing along. I actually laughed out loud when we walked in and the first 20 feet of the entrance had succummed to stroller parking. I think I've seen less children in SCHOOLS... this place was freaking PACKED.

As Jody put it as she pointed out all of the decor in the shop---- it's kinda like baby crack. I couldn't have said it better. Breasts were hanging out everywhere, there was MUSIC!!! REAL LIVE MUSIC FROM A LADY WITH A GUITAR!!!!! and there were kids... kids were everywhere... running, singing, dancing.... Truly a utopia for small people.

The sing along was great, though I grade myself about a D+ for my ability to know words and hand movements.

we went to a small french place for lunch, and that too was good. but as we walked... I couldn't help but think of all that surrounded me. Maybe cause I'm just off the boat from the 80's band mecca they call Reno, maybe cause I really AM a picture of a suburban mom with my 100 pound Gracco stroller system and my SUV, and shyness of possibly showing my (EEEK!!) nipple in public whilst breastfeeding.... never mind the fact that the only walking I do is in malls or around small marinas in community parks. (let's face it... I drive EVERYWHERE)

Anyways--- city life has it ALL. anything and everything you could possibly want or think of... it's most likely within walking distance. You can do pilates before eating a bagel on your way to a sex shop, and only have passed 3 or 4 stores. Or... of course, if you feel like going LEFT out of Pilates, you can grab some Thai food before you pick out your wedding dress. Or... skip that door and hit up the seniors' center. SPLENDID! Wisteria Lane, this is not!

SO it all boils down to the fact that with SO MUCH available nearly 24 hours of every day, to all ages, accompanied by big buildings, big lights, and even bigger noises... it's no wonder it takes a lot to impress my stately neighbors. Since their first days at sing-along as babies, these people have seen it all.

Good Night, New York... You've been a wonderful audience!
So thanks again to Jody and Dov for a great day. It was SO GOOD to meet you, and we really had fun. But as good as the day was, I have to say that the best part of the whole day was when we were heading home, and my little peanut stepped up to the plate and showed a tribute to the big apple. Subway and trains be damned.... she slept the whole way home!

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