Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The worst birthday EVER

ok---- so maybe yesterday wasn't my birthday, but in my dream it was!!!

and it was a bad one!!! First of all---- I was stressed in the whole dream... really anxious... like knowing you're running late for a flight somewhere.

somehow.... my gift was this vacation in florida, but it was a surprise that all these people I knew were there to wish me a good day and celebrate with me.

somehow my mom arranged for me to drive a train by myself in Disney... but it was the Disney subway.... and a big harley-dude was watching/teaching me. He did a shit-job of teaching me how to drive the train, and not only did I miss a few stops, but then I accidently left the crew on the platform, then crashed the damn thing into a water ride.

SO I got booed and kicked off, and went up the escalator to the pool party. all the top models of the 90's were there, but I had honey on my legs and sand in my mouth, so I started to choke.

the dream started to get choppy at this point, cause next thing I remember, I was at a market in Tahiti, and trying to buy fabric from a man who was sitting on an alligator.

odd shit, I tell you...... and this was going to bed sober.


Porq said...

Did you say "BIRTHDAY?"

Woo-hooooo!! Let's Party!!!!


P.S. After this weekend, no wonder things are STRANGE!!!
Family does it every time!!!

Taylor said...

LOL! That's hilarous. Dreams can be so weird. I actually had a freak dream last night. I kept dreaming that someone was breaking into our house through the screen door in the back, although we do not have a screen door. When I woke up (the several times that I did) I would look to make sure the alarm was set! Then the robbers came in and tried to take Tristyn but I talked them out of it and gave them my jewelry instead!


Marianna said...

Try going to dreammoods.com & look up some of the key words you described... train, fabric, etc... I love this website.

Melissa said...

That is pretty strange. Like hell you weren't drinking....lol

Susie said...

That's one freaky dream girlfriend! Next time don't miss my stop on the Disney train!

Tee/Tracy said...

Did you have pizza? LOL. I have dreams like that when I over eat on pizza.