Monday, May 28, 2007

not quite there yet

so I'm quickly learning that while it's great to savor small successes in child-rearing... a parent shouldn't necessarily hold their breath.

says the child to her mother (who is still basking in the glow of two days in a row of the child successfully having bowel movements in the big-girl-toilet) upon being urged to urinate:

"Mommy-- the pee-pee is sleeping right now. Maybe we should try again later."

yes. the glow is officially gone now.


Marianna said...



Christi said...

Are you telling me pee-pee doesn't sleep? I don't get it...

Anonymous said...

That sounds better than thefoot stomping and "Idonlikeit! I donlikeit!" that I get whenever I toss the idea out there in conversation. He's also fond of saying "IdonknowHOW." Yeah. Right. Kepp on truckin' Mama! She'll get it!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, babe. I am right there with you. Too bad we can't get together and share a cocktail. Love you! And hang in there!

Unknown said...

It gets better, really it does! If my stubborn man is potty trained, any kid can do it at some point. :)

No worries about not visiting, believe me, I have some idea of how busy you are with a preschooler and a baby!

~Carpenter Girls~ said...

Ok, I've been slacking on reading, but congrats on your weight loss. I'm going to need to become a gold card member or some crap with WW when I'm done with this pregnancy. I must say I'm jealous already of your 'baby pound droppage!'

And could you ask Rhena how to make the pee pee sleep, because as you know (for me) right now the pee pee never sleeps!