Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Home again

It is SO GOOD to be back home again.

Been on the road (air, train tracks, what-have-you) for the past week with Rhena.... but am finally back in Charlotte.

We had some good times along the way, despite being sick the entire week. We are both on antibiotics now, though, so I think we'll be feeling good in no time.

The short of it is that I went to visit my inlaws, and sandwiched a girls' reunion thing over the weekend. All in all, my take away was on the plus side. Rhena spent time with her grandma and grandpa, I had my first night away from Rhena since she was born (actually two nights, but who's counting??), I had a little fun, and I got to know my friends a little better. I can without a doubt say that I left the girls' weekend liking everyone more than I did before the weekend. Now..... that's not to say that I DISLIKED anyone before the weekend as much as I'm saying that meeting and seeing them in person made me like them even more. So it was good.

On the downside... I was sick as a dog, and was really feeling like crap the whole weekend. I did NOT get to eat and drink my way through Chicago, but I imagine my bank account and waistline are pleased with that. I, on the other hand, was left feeling slightly disappointed. Combine this with a HUGE hotel screw-up (long story.. we ended up getting bumped from our hotel that was downtown to accommodations that were 18 miles out....) the maximum exposure I was having to estrogen, and then that damn cold making me sneeze and blow my nose every other second... well... the weekend was also a little bit of a bummer.

Take it back? certainly not. Do it again? in a heartbeat!!!

Again... all in all... there were tons of positives from the weekend. I am truly happy I was able to meet the 8 women I did for a weekend away. They are all amazing women, with different stories and different thoughts. They are caring, supportive, funny, generous and classy. (well, at least when they want to be!) It's unfortunate that the eight women I met were only half of our full group, but I still feel fortunate to have met the ones I did.

The cold? yeah... me having a cold sucked big ass. The hotel??? yeah... that pissed me off, too. But in one way... I guess it was good that I was a very simmered down version of myself. I took the time to listen to and observe these women... my friends... in person. And for what that's worth.... well... like I said... I just like them all the more now.... and friends like these...... well, they only come along once in a coon's ass hair on a dog leg's tied up and left wet age, I reckon!


CheekyMoo said...

I'm glad you're home safe and sound. I think I have your cold. Blah! I didn't even get to see you and still got your germs. Hope you and Rhena feel better soon. Good that you got a couple of nights out. That's important.

Marianna said...

Welcome back, gal. Sorry you got the crud ~ seems like it's already starting to get around... it's too soon to be sick this winter!


john boy said...

Yay! She's back! Glad you had a good time overall :)

Jewl said...

Glad your back in action.... What was it like being away from the little one? Haven't done that yet...
Good to know you had a good time despite everything....

Christi said...

How fun! Colds suck! Fun is worth suffering the cold, though. Well, for that matter, I guess you'd probably have to suffer the cold with or w/o the fun, so definitely go for the fun!

Susie said...

Dude if you hadn't insisted on making out so much I might not have a cat who took a dump in my throat yesterday and this morning. Bleeeeeeh.